Revolutionizing early years education in Nigeria.


Product Design


January 2022- July 2022


Conducted user research, which included interviews, and usability study.

Created user stories, user personas, user flows, and wireframes on paper and digitally

Created product features and ranked according to user needs and business goals.

Created mockups and prototypes using Figma



Google Forms


Neo-Montessori Life app is a Montessori mobile app that provides users with insightful articles from Montessori professionals, educators, and parents about the Montessori method of education.

This product shares information, tips, and resources on the Montessori method of education from Montessori professionals and educators from around the world.

The user research methods employed for this project include interviews at the initial stage to understand the pain points of users for whom the app can provide solutions. After this, I conducted a usability study where a user tested the product and give feedback. Also, comparative research was done to examine similar apps to ensure that the product that provides the user with the best experience is created.

View Prototype

Problem Statement

NML app is a digital educational app that allows users to read articles on Montessori principles written by Montessori professionals. Unlike other educational apps, NML is reliable and accessible, with well-detailed articles on Montessori principles written by Montessori professionals all over the world. You can subscribe to any published issue and read in your comfort about any Montessori information.


Neo-Montessori Life app will provide parents, educators, and organizations with clear information and knowledge about authentic Montessori education and its principles, resources, teacher education, and child education in Nigeria, to get Montessori education to be well-understood, desired, recognized, accessible, and includes in formal and informal education to the benefit of the Nigerian child and to link Nigeria to international Montessori community.

The product will offer a subscription portal to enable users to read Montessori articles for parents and educators and a platform to connect the global Montessori community.


Parents who want to learn about Montessori education.

Parents whose children go to Montessori schools.

Parents seek to give their children a good foundation in life.

Parents whose children may have learning disabilities.

Early years educators who want to learn how to use Montessori concepts in their classroom.

Montessori teachers who want to get updates on Montessori tips and resources and connect with the global Montessori community.

Montessori training students who want to learn more about Montessori education.